
Dr. Sharon Hulbert: 

Empowering Patients on the Journey to Optimal Health

Dr. Sharon Hulbert

Dr. Sharon Hulbert isn’t your typical chiropractor. Sure, she can fix a bad back and ease headaches, but her true passion lies in something far more profound: empowering patients to take control of their own health.

Dr. Hulbert’s mission extends far beyond chiropractic adjustments. Her primary goal is to guide her patients on a journey towards optimal health, a state of well-being that goes beyond the absence of pain. She believes that true healing comes from understanding the root cause of health problems, not just masking symptoms.

“Education is the biggest stepping stone,” Dr. Hulbert emphasizes. She sees herself as a guide, not a hero, working alongside her patients to help them achieve their wellness goals. This approach is a stark contrast to the traditional medical model, which often focuses on quick fixes and prescriptions.

Dr. Hulbert acknowledges that this path to optimal health requires effort. It’s not a magic bullet or a one-time fix. She compares it to building something strong and lasting, a metaphor that extends to her work with couples. Just as a healthy relationship requires work from both partners, achieving optimal health demands a commitment to healthy habits and lifestyle changes.

While Dr. Hulbert treats many patients seeking pain relief, she views it as an opportunity to educate them about a more holistic approach to well-being. She recognizes that not everyone is ready to take on this challenge, but for those who are, Dr. Hulbert’s guidance can be life-changing, whole new way of looking at the body.

Dr. Sharon’s Journey to Chiropractic Care:

Dr. Sharon Hulbert

Dr. Sharon Hulbert wasn’t always a chiropractor. She used to be a registered nurse, working long hours in the medical field. Back then, her focus was on chasing symptoms – headaches, stomachaches, the whole gamut. It was a reactive approach, treating what ailed people but not necessarily getting to the root cause.

Her husband developed severe back pain. Physical therapy was on the agenda, but then their therapist dropped a bombshell: you can’t do both PT and chiropractic care, pick one. Dr. Hulbert, ever the curious nurse, decided to ask which one worked better. The answer? Chiropractic.

That simple conversation sparked a fire in Dr. Hulbert. Here was a whole other approach to wellness, one that focused on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It was a complete departure from the symptom-centric world she knew. Regret washed over her – why hadn’t she known about chiropractic before? As a nurse, she was stuck in a world of pathology, treating conditions without ever truly understanding the cause.

This new path wasn’t just about her career, it transformed her entire family’s lifestyle. Gone were the days of reaching for the Tylenol bottle at the first sign of a headache. Chiropractic adjustments became the new normal, a proactive approach to wellness that went beyond just pain relief

Dr. Hulbert’s journey from symptom-chasing nurse to doctor of chiropractic care is a testament to the power of curiosity and a little nudge in the right direction. It’s a story about taking control of one’s health and embracing wellness.

Ready to embrace your best self?

At Twin Pine, we’re your partners in building your best life. With a commitment to natural health, our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your well-being is nurtured towards achieving optimal wellness.